Monday, February 7, 2011

Icy Paris

Place de l'Hotel de Ville, Paris 1er - Feb. 6th, 4.37 pm


Anonymous said...

Les joies de la glisse en plein Paris... Merci de nous faire partager ce moment de bonheur!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The first photo is my favorite, no faces, only the sun, the ice, and the skaters' feet... wonderful!

The lighting in each of these is quite nice and I imagine that it is the afternoon sun making halos on the skaters.

Very nice!

Brenda said...

I love the effect on the second to the last picture! I personally can't ice skate... I'm always terrified I'm going to fall!

Krunal said...

beautiful pictures

o2 said...

@ Richard : et merci pour votre visite sur mon blog !

@ Genie : I'm glad you like the first picture ! At the beginning, I was planning to post only this one. These rays of sun were the only ones I've seen during the week end...

@ Brenda : I can't ice skate either ! And I always look goofy !

@ Krunal : Thank you for visiting my blog !

Alain said...

That looks like fun! Great photos!


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