Sunday, March 20, 2011

Les températures remontent

Bientôt, bavarder assis aux terrasses des cafés jusque tard dans la nuit
sera tout à fait supportable...

Le Courcelles, Paris


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I have missed you and thought that I would have to send out a search party! As you know, I love the cafes and the cafe chairs (in Paris, bien sur)


Vreni said...

I also missed your photos! I would like to sit on one of those chairs, have a drink and watch the people passing by...

o2 said...

@ Genie and Viennese Girl Vreni : Thank you for your kind messages ! I'm sure you will both appreciate sitting on these chairs on a warm night of summer (which I hope will come soon !). And this place is just "super" to watch people passing by !
See you ! :)

Alexandre said...

Pour bientôt avec les beaux jours qui sont revenus

Pierre BOYER said...

J'aime beaucoup cette ambiance nocturne...



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